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It would be really great if People could learn the fights before we actually stepped into Ulduar. I'll be positng the boss Strats as they come and updating them as their changed. Please take some time to look at them.

Hodir Fight:

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2X7z9SJvPg

Strat: <U>

  • HP - 35,699,200 (Heroic Mode)
  • Normal melee attacks for 25k damage on a well-geared warrior
  • 8 Adds trapped in blocks of ice are around him, you can break the blocks (40,000 HP) to have them help you. They will randomly drop Toasty Fires throughout the fight.
  • His aura called Biting Cold is using the same mechanics as Intense Cold during the fight against Keristrasza, it stacks up and damage increase over time. Moving will reset the stack. (This is also affected by the Toasty Fire, see below)
  • Hodir casts "Flash Freeze" (9 seconds cast time), a spell that freezes the entire raid in blocks of ice.
  • He will randomly spawn Icicles, they will create patch of ices on the ground as they drop. Standing on the ice when Hodir casts Flash Freeze prevents from being encased in a block of ice.
  • You can also prevent Biting Cold and Freeze by staying next to a Toasty Fire in the room, however it will be removed by Flash Freeze. Warms nearby friendly creatures, preventing the effects of Freeze and Biting Cold, and increasing Spirit by 4. Toasty fire can be extinguished by falling ice or powerful frost magic.
  • After Flash Freeze, Hodir will gain "Frozen Blows" and deal 70% reduced physical damage but each attack deals 40,000 additional frost damage.

Thorim Fight:

Video: http://files.filefront.com/MethodvsThorimPTRv1avi/;13381840;/fileinfo.html

Strat: Health Points - 11M

The fight takes place in The Clash of Thunder, an arena overwatched by Thorim himself. As you enter the arena you will see a Jormungar Behemoth (~1.2M HP) fighting a captured alliance/horde (opposing faction) team composed of 1 tank, 1 healer, and 3 damage dealers. Killing them is fairly easy, just make sure you take care of the AoE healing from the healer while fighting the NPC and try to avoid the large poison breath while fighting the Jormungar.

Once the NPCs and the Jormungar are dead, a lot of constructs (melee, casters, and healers) will jump into the arena from the stands and you will have to handle them with only one part of your raid while Thorim throws Stormhammers at them. He will also randomly activates the lightning orbs surrouding the arena, they will deal strong AoE damage to anyone near as soon as they are activated: run away from them!

The 2nd part of the raid will have to go through the hallway to the left of the Arena and fight its way to Thorim. This hallways is also full of constructs and will also have you deal with two mini bosses (about 5M HP each), you only have 5 minutes to reach Thorim before he goes berserk and kills your raid.

When Thorim is pulled by the hallway team, he will jump into the arena and the last part of the fight will begin. He's got 11M Health Points and hits a well geared tank for 8k damage but will also use two abilities: the first one is an
Unbalancing Strike reducing the defense of the tank by 200 for 15 sec (100 for 6 seconds in normal). He will also casts Lightning Charge every 15 seconds, just like with Grull this effect will stack and Thorim will deal more and more damage during the fight. (Thanks to Wraith for the help on the description of the fight)

Freya Fight:

Video: http://files.filefront.com/Method+vs+Freyaavi/;13389148;/fileinfo.html

Strat: Abilities
Freya 4,183,000HP (25-Man) / 1,394,500HP (10-Man)

  • Nature's Fury - Infects an enemy for 10 sec, causing it to inflict 4625 to 5375 Nature damage to its nearby allies every 1 sec. (10-Man: 2035 to 2365 damage)
  • Sunbeam -- Inflicts 10638 to 12362 Nature damage to enemies within 8 yards of the target. 1.5 cast. (10-Man: 7863 to 9137 damage)
  • Touch of Eonar -- The presence of the Lifebinder heals Freya for 24000 health every 1 sec. (10-Man: 6000 health every 1 sec.)
  • Attuned to Nature (x150) - Increases healing received by 4%.
  • Photosynthesis -- The rays of the sun heals the plant life for 10000 damage every 1 sec. (These will spawn during the fight, make sure you kite the adds out of them to prevent them from healing)

During the fight she will also spawns 3 extra adds at the same time (Storm Lasher, Stone Lasher, Ancient Water Elemental), they have roughly 1M HP each and you have to kill them all 3 at the same time, otherwise they will just revive. Killing one of these adds will remove 10 stacks of healing from Freya.

She will also spawn a bigger add at some point, an Ancient Protector with 1,9M HP. Just off-tank him and kill him to remove 25 stacks from Freya. He also uses Conservator's Grip to silence members of the raid, stay under the Healthy Mushrooms in the zone to remove this debuff.

  • Conservator's Grip -- The grip of the Protector prevents attacking and casting spells.

When Freya finally runs out of "Attuned to Nature" stacks, just start DPSing her while you keep killing the tree adds she spawns (they will heal her for 15% after 10 seconds if you don't kill them). Lower her life to 0 and she will become friendly again, loot the chest next to her for tons of epic loot!

Iron Council Fight:

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9VGGS51Bps

Each time you kill a member of the council, he will cast Supercharge and the remaining monsters will gain extra abilities and gain 25% damage.

  • Supercharge - Unleashes one last burst of energy as the caster dies, increasing all allies damage by 25% and granting them an additional ability.

Steelbreaker - 10M HP (Heroic) / 3M HP (Normal)

  • Fusion Punch - An attack infused with energy that inflicts 100% weapon damage and an additional 8000 Nature damage per second. - He casts Fusion Punch on a ten second cooldown (but we saw it as late as 25 seconds.) If he is in a Rune of Power he will hit far harder, so it's vitally important that he's never standing in them.
  • High Voltage - This is an aura that inflicts 2500 Nature damage every 3 sec. When he dies the aura disappears.
  • Static Disruption (1 Mob Down) - Deals 7500 Nature damage to enemies in an area and increases Nature damage taken by 50% for 20 sec. (12 Yards radius)

Runemaster Molgeim - 10M HP (Heroic) / 3M HP (Normal)

  • Rune of Power - Runemaster Molgeim casts Rune of Power on a target NPC periodically -- there's a few seconds with no rune and then another appears. It will buff anyone standing in it, including a mob.
  • Rune of Death (1 Mob Down) - Summons a Rune of Death at a random enemy target's location. This rune deals 3000 Shadow damage every half-second to anyone within 13 yards of that location. - This will be casted on a target player and inflict anyone within 13 yards of this player.
  • Rune of Summoning (2 Mob Down) - Runemaster Moldeim gains Rune of Summoning which summons Lightning Elementals. These chase after players and appear to explode and deal damage. Their melee attack is Lightning Blast: deals 14-15.8k nature damage to everyone within 30 yards and kills the elemental in the process.

Stormcaller Brundir - 10M HP (Heroic) / 3M HP (Normal)

  • Chain Lightning - Strikes an enemy with a lightning bolt that arcs to another nearby enemy. The spell affects up to 5 targets, causing Nature damage to each. - Stormcaller Brundir casts Chain Lightning which chains through the raid. It can be interrupted, and he can have his cast time slowed (e.g. with Curse of Tongues.)
  • Overload - He emotes "PEASANT HAS CROSSED THE LINE" as he cast this spell (10 seconds cast time): it's vitally important that everyone gets out of range (it deals 25000 nature damage to everyone within 30 yards.)
  • Lightning Whirl (1 mob down)- Spins around throwing off bolts of lightning at random enemy targets. Each bolt deals 6598 to 7402 Nature damage. Lasts 5 sec. - Stormcaller Brundir gains Lightning Whirl, which does AE lightning bolts. It's interruptable.
  • Lightning Tendrils (2 mobs down) - Tendrils of lightning shoot out of the caster's chest, lifting them into the air. These lightning tendrils deal 4000 Nature damage to all enemies around the caster every second. - Stormcaller Brundir gains Lightning Tendrils, where he launches into the area and chases after players, AE'ing everyone in his path.

The kill order is Steelcaller (Big guy), Runemaster Molgeim (Vykrul), Stormcaller Brundir (Iron Dwarf) for the easy mode.

Last edited by Dojran on Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:23 am; edited 11 times in total




Flame Leviathan Fight:
Health - 15.5M (10-Man) / ? (25-Man)

Every 30 seconds he will switch targets to another siege vehicle, mark them, and follow them around. If you do not have two siege vehicles active then he will pick a different unit.

He has a soft enrange due to Gathering Speed. You have to kite him, thanks to Battering Ram, and it becomes harder and harder to get away from him even with help from Steam Rush.

  • Flame Jets: Inflicts 2000 Fire damage to enemies around the caster. 50 yard range. Interruptable.
  • Battering Ram: a melee range attack, Rams the target, dealing damage and knocking it forward. Debuffs them with "Battering Ram": Damage taken increased by 100%.
  • Gathering Speed: periodically he moves a bit faster by gaining another stack of this buff. The stack is reset when he is stunned by Overload Circuit.
  • He also fires rockets constantly at the raid, doing about 700 damage each time they land (about once every 1-2 seconds)
  • He has 4 turrets. Passengers in the demolisher can be launched at him where they can destroy the turrets and then hit the Overload Circuit: stuns Flame Leviathan and causes him to take 50% more damage for 10 seconds.

Player Vehicles
The vehicles have a base HP that then increases based on the ilvl of your gear (tip: stop DE'ing trash epics with high ilevels and save them for Ulduar!)

Salvaged Siege Engine
This vehicle demolishes towers as you clear the gauntlet and kites the Flame Leviathan. It can carry a passenger.


  • Ram: 15 yard range, 4 second cooldown, instant. Rams any enemies in front of the demolisher, dealing 5,400 to 6,600 damage and knocking them back. Also deals 2,850 to 3,150 siege damage to buildings.
  • Electroshock: 38 energy, 10 second cooldown, instant. Shocks all targets within a 25 yard cone in front of the caster. It also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 4 seconds.
  • Steam Rush: 40 Energy, 15 second cooldown, instant. Put the steam engine into overdrive for a short duration, rushing forward, dealing siege damage and knocking back enemies.


  • Anti-Air Rocket: 10 energy, 1000 yard range. Instant, 0.25 sec cooldown. Fires an explosive missile directly forward, detonating when it has travelled 100 yards, hitting any enemies within 10 yards.
  • Fire Cannon: 20 Energy, 10-70 yard range, Instant. Fires a cannon blast.

Salvaged Demolisher
This vehicle moves slowly but has ranged attacks and can even catapult its passengers. It can carry a passenger, who can grapple the pyrites from the ground and loads them one by one as abilities that deplete them are used. The primary use for them is giving 10 charges to the big nuke.


  • Hurl Boulder: 10-70 yard range, instant. Hurls a massive boulder into the distance, dealing 13.5k to 16.5k damage to enemies within 8 yards of the target.
  • Hurl Pyrite Barrel: 5 Pyrite, 10-70 yard range, instant. Hurls an orb of blue pyrite into the distance, dealing 27k-33k damage, but consumes ammo.
  • Ram: 15 yard range, 4 second cooldown, instant. Rams any enemies in front of the demolisher, dealing 8,550 to 9,450 damage and knocking them back. Also deals 2,160 to 4,640 siege damage to buildings.
  • Launch Passenger: launches the Demolisher's passenger into the air.


  • Cannon: 40 yard range. Instant, 1 second cooldown. Fires an explosive missile directly forward, detonating when it has traveled 50 yards, hitting any enemies within 10 yards.
  • Grab Crate: 40 yard range. Instant. Use your hoook and chain to grab the targeted crate.
  • Reload Ammo: Loads 20 rounds into the demolisher's ammunition cartridge. Requires Liquid Pyrite.
  • Increased Speed: instant. Injects liquid pyrite into the engines, increasing movement speed by 100%. Lasts 1 min.
  • Load into Catapult: instant, 30 second cooldown. Load yourself into the catapult arm, using yourself as ammunition.

Salvaged Chopper
This motorcycle model is very fast and moves very adroitly (it can strafe, for example.) It can carry a passenger.

  • Sonic Horn: Instant, 20 energy. Sends a wave of force in front of the motorcycle, causing 3150 to 3850 damage to all enemy targets within 35 yards in a frontal cone.
  • Tar: Instant, 15 second cooldown. Drops a pool of tar for 45 seconds that slows the movement speed of enemies wihtin 10 yards. Tar can be ignited. Lasts for 45 seconds
  • Speed Boost: Instant, 50 energy. Fires the fuel injectors on the bike, increasing its speed by 100% for 5 seconds. (no cooldown)

Ignis Fight:

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9VGGS51Bps


  • Health - 24.4M (Heroic) / ? (Normal)
  • Scorch -- Fires a jet of flame, burning all enemies in front of the caster within 30 yards, dealing 3770 to 4230 Fire damage every half-second for 3 sec. Additionally, the ground is scorched by this effect causing it to catch on fire, dealing 3299 to 3701 Fire damage every second too all enemies within 13 yards. Iron Constructs within this radius will begin to heat up, eventually becoming molten. (10-Man - 2357-2643 Damage)
  • Flame Jets -- Stomps the ground causing geysers of flame to errupt under all enemies. These geysers deal 8483 to 9517 Fire damage, knocking the targets into the air and interrupting any spells being cast for 8 sec. In addition, the targets take 1000 Fire damage per second for 8 sec. (10-Man - 5655-6345 Damage)
  • Slag Pot -- Charges and grabs a random enemy target, tossing them into the caster's slag pot. The target is unable to attack the caster and takes 5000 Fire damage every second for 10 sec. If the target survives, they are imbued with the magical slag, increasing their haste by 150% for until cancelled. (10-Man: 3500 damage)

He also activate the Iron Constructs next to him throughout the fight.

Iron Construct

  • Health - 3.81M (Heroic) / ? Normal
  • Running them into fire will give them a charge of Heat -- Blasts all nearby Iron Constructs with intense heat, increasing their movement speed by 5 and haste by 5. This effect stacks up to 20 times. If this effect stacks to 20, the affected Iron Construct will become Molten.
  • Once a construct is Molten he will gain extra haste and deal 4713 to 5287 Fire damage to enemies within 7 yards. Running him into water will destroy it. (10-Man: 2357-2643 Damage)

XT002 Fight:

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pozhp5RBx-A

Health - 18M (25-Man) / 5M (10-Man)
Hard Mode - Kill the heart. Heartbreak - The heart of the XT-002 Deconstructor has been severed, removing the combat limitations of the XT-002 Deconstructor. Damage increased by 25%. Health increased by 25%.

  • Gravity Bomb: Charges the target with dark energy (the gravity well), causing them to explode and pull in nearby allies after 9 sec. This sucks people in, so stay away from others! It creates Gravity Well on the player: Pulls enemies within 10 yards into a gravity well, dealing 19000 to 21000 damage.
  • Tympanic Tantrum: Deals 10% damage every 1 sec for 12 sec. Nearby enemies are also dazed for the duraion. (like VR's earthquake)
  • Light Bomb: Charges the target with divine energy, causing them to sear nearby allies for 9 sec. Targetted attack, does 2k-3k damage on nearby allies

He also spawn adds throughout the fight:

  • XM-024 Pummeler, just melee. Arcing Smash (~2k), Trample and Uppercut, melee for 1.5k-2k on plate. Minimal dps.
  • XE-321 Boombot, bombs the raid. Explode with a 12k-13k hit.
  • XS-013 Scrapbot, which merge into him if they reach him ("XT-002 Deconstructor consumes a scrap bot to repair himself!"

Last edited by Dojran on Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:22 am; edited 3 times in total




Kologarn Fight:

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDTUrbrq5es

Health - 20.917M Kologarn, 5,22M for each arm (25-Man) / 5.2M Kologarn, 1.2M for each arm (10-Man)

  • Overhead Smash - The not so massive attack Inflicts Physical damage and decreases armor by 25% for 30 sec.
  • Petrifying Breath - Inflicts 18750 to 21250 Nature damage every 1 sec and increases damage taken by 20% for 8 sec. (Brittle Skin - Increases damage taken by 20% for 8 sec.)
  • Stone Grip(Right Arm) - Squeezes the life out of the target, stunning it and inflicting 3700 to 4300 Physical damage every 1 sec until Kologarn's Arm sustains 450,000 damage.
  • Focused Eyebeam - Inflicts 3700 to 4300 Nature damage to enemies within 3 yards.
  • Shockwave(Left Arm) - The shockwave from the massive arm sweep inflicts 11563 to 13437 Nature damage.

Auriya Fight:


  • Health - 16,734M (25-Man) / 3,137M (10-Man)
  • Sonic Screech - A Sonic Shockwave that deals 185000 to 215000 Shadow damage to all enemies in it's path. The Shockwave damge is split between all targets in it's path. (2.5 Sec cast time)
  • Sentinel Blast - Inflicts 5500 Shadow damage and increases Shadow damage taken by 100% for 5 sec. Stacks up to 5 times.
  • Horrifying Screech - The screech strikes fear into the hearts of all nearby enemies, causing them to flee in horror for 5 sec.
  • She also spawns a wave of panther adds (~20 adds) with 13k Health in 25-Man and 3k Health in 10-Man every now and then.

Add - Feral Defender
This add spawns about 1 minute after the beginning of the fight, it starts the fight with 9 stacks of
Feral Essence.

  • Health - ? (25-Man) - 200k (10-Man)
  • Feral Essence -- Each essence increases the damage dealt by the Feral Defender by 50%. The Feral Defender can revive himself at the cost of one of his Feral Essences.
  • Feral Pounce -- The Feral Defender pounces the target stunning them for 4 sec and inflicting 602 to 698 Shadow damage every 1 sec.
  • Seeping Feral Essence -- The Seeping Essence of the Feral Defender Inflicts 9000 Shadow damage every 1 sec. This is a void zone-like effect where the Feral Defender spawns and dies.

Panther Adds - Sanctum Sentry
There are 4 adds roaming around the central room with Auriaya in 25-Man, 2 in 10-Man.

  • Health - 557k (25-Man) - 335k (10-Man)
  • Strength of the Pack - The presence of other members of the pack increases damage done by 50% to all members of the pack within 20 yards. (Stackable, you have to spread out the panthers to get rid of this buff)

Mimiron Fight:


  • Health - 1,742M (25-Man) / 1,742M (10-Man)

Phase 1 - Leviathan MKII
As soon as you engage Mimiron, he jumps into the Leviathan MKII vehicle. (A personal version of The Flame Leviathan)

  • Health - 6.97M (25-Man) / ? (10-Man)
  • Proximity Mines - Drops about 10 mines next to the Leviathan, walking over them will make them explode for 20,000 fire damage. Avoiding them is part of the Heroic: Mind the Mines achievement.
  • Napalm shell - Deals 9,425 to 10,575 damage in a 5 yards radius, also deals 6000 Fire damage per second for 8 seconds to anyone staying in this zone. (2 Seconds casting time)
  • Plasma Blast - Deals 30,000 Fire damage per second for 6 seconds. (3 Seconds casting time)
  • Shock Blast - Deals 100,000 nature damage to targets within 15 yards. (5 Seconds casting time)
  • Rocket Strike - Deals 1,000,000 damage in a 3 yards radius. You have a few seconds to avoid it. (3 Seconds casting time)

Phase 2 - VX-001
After the destruction of Leviathan MKII, Mimiron jumps in his VX-001.

  • Health - 6.97M (25-Man) / ? (10-Man)
  • Rapid Burst - Deals 3299 to 3701 damage to all the targets in a front of VX-001.
  • P3Wx2 Laser Barrage - The VX-001 starts spinning and deals 20,000 to all targets in a cone in front of him. (Same mechanics as C'thun Eye Beam or Lurker Below Spout)
  • Rocket Strike - Launch one of the rocket attached on the back of VX-001 on a target and deals 1,000,000 damage. You have a few seconds to avoid it.
  • Heat Wave - Deals 9425-10575 fire damage and 3000 damage per second for 5 seconds to all the targets within 80 yards.

Phase 3 - Aerial Command Unit
Mimiron boards his Aerial Command Unit, he then flies over the raid and blasts player from here. Mimiron is untankable during this phase and will spawn adds regularly.

  • Health - 4.6M (25-Man) / 1.1M (10-Man)
  • Plasma Ball - Ranged attack aimed at the target with the highest threat. Deals 14138-15862 Fire damage. (2 Seconds casting time)
  • Spawn Add - Assault Bot - Health: 1M (25-Man) / 500k (10-Man) - Uses Magnetic Field that increase damage taken by 30% and immobilizes the target. These bots will drop a Magnetic Core when they die. Deploying this magnet under the Aerial Command Unit will temporarily bring it to the ground and disable it. While it remains disabled, it will take an additional 50% damage from all sources.
  • Spawn Add - Bomb Bot - These bots will walk through the raid for a moment and eventually explode for 9425 to 10575 fire damage in a 5 yards radius. Just avoid them, this is part of the Heroic: A-bomb-inable achievement.
  • Spawn Add - Junk Bot - Health: 100k (25-Man) / 60k (10-Man) - Very weak adds, just DPS them down.

Phase 4 - V0-L7R-0N
The Leviathan MKII, VX-001, and Aerial Command Unit previously defeated merge to create V0-L7R-0N, a huge robot made of all these vehicles. You have to DPS down each section of the robot individually to kill them at the same time.
Health - 50% of the total health for each section.
Leviathan MKII

  • Shock Blast - Deals 100,000 nature damage to targets within 15 yards. (5 Seconds casting time)
  • Proximity Mines - Drops about 10 mines next to the Leviathan, walking over them will make them explode for 20,000 fire damage. Avoiding them is part of the Heroic: Mind the Mines achievement.


  • Hand Pulse - Deals 7069 to 7931 damage in a 50000 yards radius.
  • P3Wx2 Laser Barrage - The VX-001 starts spinning and deals 20,000 to all targets in a cone in front of him. (Same mechanics as C'thun Eye Beam or Lurker Below Spout)
  • Rocket Strike - Launch one of the rocket attached on the back of VX-001 on a target and deals 1,000,000 damage. You have a few seconds to avoid it.

Aerial Command Unit

  • Plasma Ball - Ranged attack aimed at the target with the highest threat. Deals 14138-15862 Fire damage. (2 Seconds casting time)


  • Health - 13M (25-Man) / 4M (Normal)

During the latest PTR testing phase, the boss was fairly bugged and there isn't much we know about it. Razorscale fly over the area and players starts the event by talking to the dwarves here. As soon as the event starts Dwarves will start repairing the turrets here while the players deal with the trash.

Once the turrets are fixed, the dwarves use them to bring Razorscale down to let players engage her. She uses the following abilities:

  • Wing Buffet - Knocks back enemies in a 35 yards radius around the caster.
  • Flame Breath - Inflicts 17500 to 22500 Fire damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster.
  • Flame Buffet - Increases the Fire damage an enemy takes by 1500 for 1 min.
  • Devouring Flame - Spits a Lava Bomb at an enemy, inflicting 8788 to 10212 Fire damage and deals 8788 to 10212 Fire damage every second to anyone staying within 6 yards of the explosion. (25 seconds duration)

General Vezax:

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiwwM8sy19I

Health - 30M (25-Man) / 7.7M (10-Man)

<LI>Shadow Crash - Fires a shadow missile at a target, dealing 11310 to 12690 Shadow damage to all enemies near the impact point and knocking them away. After impact, leaves an energy field that lingers for 20 sec, increasing magical damage dealt by 50%, reducing healing done by 50%, and reducing mana costs by 30%. (10-Man - 5655-6345 damage)

<LI>Searing Flames - Deals 13875 to 16125 Fire damage to all enemies within 100 yards, superheating their armor and reducing its ability to protect them by 75% for 10 sec. (2 sec cast time, interruptable)

<LI>Surge of Darkness - Empowers the caster with dark might, increasing physical damage by 100% but reducing movement speed by 50%, for 10 sec. (Self buff on Vezax, you have to kite him around the room while the buff is up, lasts 10 seconds)

<LI>Aura of Despair (Prevents mana regeneration from nearly all natural sources. Aspect of the Viper, Judgements of the Wise, Shamanistic Rage, and Spiritual Attunement remain at least partially effective. Also reduces melee attack speed by 20%.) is active throughout the whole fight, the only "normal" way to regain mana is to use potions. You can also destroy the crystals flying in the room, they will drop a green cloud on the ground and will restore your mana, they will also damage you for an equal amount of health points (1000 Mana regen = 1000 Damage), this buff stacks and will regen more and more mana (and deal more damage as well) over time. The hard mode version of the encounter require you to not use these clouds

<LI>After Vezax spawns the 8th crystal, he will also spawn an add with 8M HP (25-Man) / 2.3M HP (10-Man). This add will repeatedly cast Profound Darkness (Inflicts 500 damage to all enemies, and increases Shadow damage taken by 10% per application. Stacks up to 99.) and stack it on the raid, 20 debuffs means you will get 200% more damage from shadow spells (including

Yogg-saron Fight:

Algalon Fight:

Last edited by Dojran on Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:29 am; edited 6 times in total




They seem pretty easy :O




Thorim seems super easy tbh




WTB update. I read up on em but I'm too lazy to copy/paste them here.

Go Doj go!

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